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Rail en aluminium à 3 voies pour rideaux coulissants

  • WM3879
  • 60,00 € *

    incluant la TVA et les frais d'expédition exclusifs

    Délai de livraison 7-10 Jours ouvrés

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      Produktinfo: Passende Paneelwagen finden Sie in unserer Kategorie ZUBEHÖR.

    Curtain rail is an essential accessory for panel curtains (sliding curtains). Our

    Curtain rail is an essential accessory for panel curtains (sliding curtains).

    Our curtain rails can be used for the following purposes:

    • Mounting on the ceiling above the window
    • Mounting on the ceiling in the room to divide the room
    • Mounting on the wall (wall brackets must be used for this option)

    Curtain rail with several guides into which panel tracks must be inserted. The panel tracks (also available from us) allow you to move each panel smoothly along the guides.

    Our aluminium curtain rails are dyed neutral white so that your panel curtains with photo printing are the focus.

    Complete set for assembly and use includes:

    • Aluminium curtain rail (divided into individual parts)
    • Connector for connecting individual parts
    • Brackets for mounting on the ceiling (for ceiling mounting)
    • Brackets for mounting on the wall (for wall mounting)
    • Side caps
    • Manual for installation with video instructions

    If you need customized curtain rail, please contact us.

    Below you can watch a video guide to mounting!

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    Couverture : VENT Couverture : VENT
    dès 45,00 € *
    Store Romain : VENT Store Romain : VENT
    dès 69,00 € *